Tagged with Web host

Subdreamer Under Windows

Flush with my recent success running Tiki Wiki under Windows XP SP2, I thought it might be fun to try Subdreamer, too. Subdreamer is a Content Management System and is different from a Wiki mainly in the way it organizes and presents data. Subdreamer has the advantage of allowing me to integrate my phpBB forum […]

Intro to the Blogosphere

Bloggers have been described with syllogisms such as
blogger : journalist :: tick : sheep
bloggers : journalists :: dung beetles : elephants

TikiWiki under Windows

I recently decided to migrate the main web page to a Wiki. I’ve messed around with a couple of CMSs – Mambo and subDreamer – and decided that the format and size of the site really don’t require that kind of power. A quick look at the features of some popular wiki software led me […]

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