Tagged with Social Issues

Death Panels

Your private insurance company decides when you die, not the government.

“middle income” vs. “the middle class”

void57 Romney says “middle income,” $200K-250K. Obama says “the middle class,” $19K to $91K. They aren’t even speaking the same language! [Source]

Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured

void57 #thisweek Doctors and hospitals shouldn’t get a tax writeoff for bad debt. Stop making the Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured. [Source]


Self-Righteousness stems from mental illness, from boundary issues. If you don’t own it, stop trying to control it.

AK-47, The Official Assault Weapon of the Mentally Ill

Gun Sales: Will The “Loophole” Close? In an interview with Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes on April 12, 2009, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D) firmly equated mental illness with criminal insanity by repeatedly using the phrase “criminals and the mentally ill.” If it wasn’t bad enough that she did irreparable damage to the reputations of hundreds […]

Mental Health Parity in the Bailout Boondoggle H. R. 1424

Here is the full text, and I suggest that everybody read this bill. It was pushed through with only a couple of days debate by lawyers who have little understanding of the workings of Wall Street or The Fed, and who have huge financial interest in the institutions that will benefit from it. To add insult to injury, they tacked a lot of pork barrel spending onto it to BRIBE Congress to agree to it.

Mental Health Rules Put in Bailout

http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/financialsvcs_dem/essabill.pdf The above link is to the full text of the bailout bill, and I suggest that everybody read this bill. It was pushed through with only a couple of days debate by lawyers who have little understanding of the workings of Wall Street or The Fed. And they tacked a lot of pork barrel […]

Death and Taxes

Well, unless I die sometime today, I’m going to e~file my 2007 Federal Return tonight. I use TurboTax because my brokerage recommends it. It’s not so bad, really. TurboTax has a scoreboard at the top of the screen that shows your progress. It’s kind of like a text adventure game where you’re trying to get […]

Is Your Baby Gay?

Surfing the ‘net again. The Christians have created a new fear – that a gay baby may have taken up residence in your uterus. Horrors! We liked it much better when Mia Farrow was infested with the Spawn of Satan in the movie “Rosemary’s Baby.” Is Your Baby Gay? Pretty soon, a DNA test could […]

People Who…

people who experience mood swings fear voices visions each other on the internet for advocacy and support I don’t know where to start to talk about Sylvia Caras. Award-winning mental health consumer advocate, speaker and author, founder of the Madness group and of People Who, Grandma, and a really together lady. I really look up […]

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