Tagged with shotcode


MYTAGO – do magic with your phone Yes, it’s Yet Another Meatspace Tag. This one requires a free membership to get the tags. Seems like a bit of a privacy hassle. MYTAGO is a little different from QRCode or Shotcode. There’s no phone app. Instead, take a picture of the tag and use one of […]

More Icons

I think I’ll name my next dog “Hash: b2e189abf85e809a51522cdb0e53083a” I found Don Park’s site (see below, Identicons) while searching for 2D codes such as ShotCode and QRCode. Once I get everything tagged, life is going to be much simpler. :-) Ok, so Don had links to some other fun icon sites, and I’d like to […]


Don Parks Daily Habit – Visual Security: 9-block IP Identification An interesting site I came across a few weeks ago, lost, then found again. Look, I’m beautiful! Uh, well, at work anyway. My identicon at home looks like one of the bugs from the movie “Starship Troopers.” Update: Since you wondered…

Tagging Meatspace

I’ve been playing with the .mobi stuff and discovered that 2D codes have a use other than to count packs of cigarettes. I can put my web site URL into a QR-Code or a ShotCode, print it on stickers, and stick the stickers to things. Then folks can point their cellphone cameras at the code […]

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