Tagged with Beliefs

So Many Things A Hand Can Do!

Earlier today a religious fundamentalist told me that I believe in evolution because it was shoved down my throat. Actually, I “discovered” evolution as a child by wandering around the zoo looking at animals’ hands. Later, much later, I came across a field called anthropology which explained what I observed at the zoo: that the hands show […]

Marriage is Unconstitutional

“Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage.” – George W Bush sanc·ti·ty/ˈsaNG(k)titē/ Noun: 1.The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly. sa·cred/ˈsākrid/ Adjective: 1.Connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration: “sacred rites”. 2.Religious rather than secular.   “Congress shall make no law respecting […]

What Breed of Liberal Are You?

My Liberal Identity: You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme. Take the quiz at www.FightConservatives.com  

The God Realized Chair

I attended a reiki share at a church in a nearby town. The fellow who ran it, I’ll call him “Paul,” told a story about a religious leader who visited from India. This leader sat in one of the chairs in the church, and Paul always told the story. To a reiki practitioner, the chair […]

A-theism = Loving Our Planet

Email to a Fundamentalist who obsesses on what he claims is a religion that “espouses rejoicing.” Your religion also espouses killing members of other religions as part of its teachings. That makes you a danger to many members of this list. I have never understood why people have to have “faith.” Is it because their […]

Heaven as Holding Tank

I feel very threatened when I hear someone touting the virtues of a religion that espouses death to non-believers. Further, it is predatory to try to suck in vulnerable people by pretending the the Bible is all sweetness and light. I read the bible a couple of times, too. I know what it says. It […]

TFTD: Religious Extremists

The common dogma [of fundamentalists] is fear of modern knowledge, inability to cope with the fast change in a scientific-technological society, and the real breakdown in apparent moral order in recent years…. That is why hate is the major fuel, fear is the cement of the movement, and superstitious ignorance is the best defense against […]

Easter at The Vatican

And a Happy Easter to all my friends of the Christian persuasion. Thanks to says-it.com.


Virtual Talmud: Principle, not Expediency Jewish tradition is based on the principle of eilu v’eilu — that conflicting positions each have standing and integrity in their own right, provided that the argument at hand is made for the sake of heaven.


Spirituality doesn’t have to take the form of a belief in a god, or even in an intelligence. It especially doesn’t equate to organized religion. In fact, churches have to discourage religious epiphanies in the general membership, lest their god tells someone outside of the power structure something the church elders don;t want to hear. […]

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