Tagged with Psychosis

Schizophrenia – Industrial Disease?

Early manifestations and first-contact incidence of schizophrenia in different cultures. A preliminary report on the initial evaluation phase of the WHO Collaborative Study on determinants of outcome of severe mental disorders. Psychol Med. 1986 Nov;16(4):909-28. Sartorius N, Jablensky A, Korten A, Ernberg G, Anker M, Cooper JE, Day R. The results provide strong support for […]

Remission in Bipolar Disorder

If someone figures out how to “cure” genetics, let me know. You can’t exactly pick up a bottle of Grecian Formula for Brain at the local pharmacy. Remission is another thing altogether. That simply means that you are having an extended symptom-free period. Given that the DSM-IV bipolar criteria only require that the patient have […]

Shamanism and talking to Dog

The anthropological literature has whole books on how different cultures view mental illness. A bipolar makes a perfect shaman, because unmedicated we tend to have periods of remission between any episodes of talking to Dog. How we perceive our own level of functioning is an important part of the diagnostic criteria. I quote from pendulum.org: […]

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