Tagged with Political humor

i can haz Whit Hows?

moar funny pictures

Bumper Sticker – Cheney and Satan

Cheney/Satan 2008 Bumper Sticker It’s here, the first must-have bumper sticker of the election cycle. Get ’em while they’re hot. Thanks to Max for the excellent photoshop work.

Updated: Homeland Stupidity

Homeland Stupidity Threat Advisory System Homeland stupidity threat: Note: The site moved. This one is too good to let get away.

Bumper Sticker: Cheney/Satan 2008

Cheney/Satan 2008 Bumper Sticker It’s here, the first must-have bumper sticker of the election cycle. Get ’em while they’re hot. Thanks to Max for the excellent photoshop work.

Bushism du Jour

Excellent Bush Quote generator script from The Bush Quote Generator.

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