Tagged with motivation

Transitions 2

Managing Stress Avoid Vagueness Not wasting energy on nervous habits. Success The smells of pines, teaberry and blueberries Birds chirping in the morning and not a car for miles No longer a Peon Hungry for those good things, baby I can be anything I want, I’m that good. “You can be anyone this time around.” […]

Overcoming Procrastination

Powerful Sleep – Health & Energy Blog >> How to Overcome Procrastination with 4 S As a lifelong procrastinator, I have to say Kacpar nailed it down pretty well. I think that where most of us fall short is this: when I make a commitment to myself, I have to treat it as seriously as […]

Trailer Trash Yoga

Susan Powter: Valley of the Lesbian Doll I stepped on the scale this morning and it groaned. Gads, this time of year is difficult. I have zero motivation, a huge appetite. I feel constrained by this body, as if it is getting in the way of my doing the things I love to do. It’s […]

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