I really like VMWare. I’ve installed Windows 7 Beta into a virtual machine. A virtual machine is an operating system running within a software computer. The computer is no computer. It’s all rather zen.
I really like VMWare. I’ve installed Windows 7 Beta into a virtual machine. A virtual machine is an operating system running within a software computer. The computer is no computer. It’s all rather zen.
Hacker publicly cracks Windows Vista – vnunet.com For those of you who aren’t aware that the long-awaited Microsoft “Longhorn” OS has been released for Beta testing under the new name “Vista”… well, they have. Add more memory, clear 40G in your harddrive to run a virtual machine, and buy a new video card if you […]
Of course, if I *wanted* a dual-boot system, XP probably would have shredded the existing file system.
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