Tagged with Mental disorder


Self-Righteousness stems from mental illness, from boundary issues. If you don’t own it, stop trying to control it.

Pathologizing Poverty

The 2002 report of the US Surgeon General says that 1 in 5 adults will be diagnosed as mentally ill. I believe that statistic reflects the unfortunate fact that minor differences in temperament, coping style, cultural affiliation, and even socioeconomic status are being pathologized by out-of-control sickness-manufacturing industry. Does the Surgeon General consider a depressed […]

Deadly Force Policy

If you are carrying a gun in an international airport you had best be able tell Hispanics from Arabs without stopping to consult a training manual.

Shamanism and talking to Dog

The anthropological literature has whole books on how different cultures view mental illness. A bipolar makes a perfect shaman, because unmedicated we tend to have periods of remission between any episodes of talking to Dog. How we perceive our own level of functioning is an important part of the diagnostic criteria. I quote from pendulum.org: […]

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