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Mental Health Rules Put in Bailout

http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/financialsvcs_dem/essabill.pdf The above link is to the full text of the bailout bill, and I suggest that everybody read this bill. It was pushed through with only a couple of days debate by lawyers who have little understanding of the workings of Wall Street or The Fed. And they tacked a lot of pork barrel […]

McCain – Sleepwalking Ambien Ad?

ABC News: McCain’s Ambien Use: a Security Threat? So much for that 3AM phone call. With his sleeping pills John McCain won’t even hear the phone ring. A worse scenario, however, is that he gets up and starts World War IV while in a drug-induced fugue state. “The key is to use Ambien-like sleeping medications […]

The Screwfly

Speaking of the screwfly, remember the big push to eradicate the screwfly back in the 60s or 70s? This fly lays its eggs on an open sore, the maggots hatch and go through a series of instars, pupate and become flies. The flesh is further damaged by this activity, making more open sores for more […]

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