Tagged with Human Interest

The God Realized Chair

I attended a reiki share at a church in a nearby town. The fellow who ran it, I’ll call him “Paul,” told a story about a religious leader who visited from India. This leader sat in one of the chairs in the church, and Paul always told the story. To a reiki practitioner, the chair […]


Self-Righteousness stems from mental illness, from boundary issues. If you don’t own it, stop trying to control it.

TFTD: Work

Work — as if it’s not enough that you drag your wretched ass out of bed in the morning and drive over there, THEN they expect you to *do* stuff all day too!   The NERVE of those people.

Sandisk Memory and Alzheimers

SanDisk Takes Action Against Alzheimers For some reason, Sandisk believes that selling special purple flash memory will fix Alzheimers. I have no idea why I think this is funny. I fully expect to spend the last few years of my life not remembering from moment to moment what I am doing. Oh, look, a plate […]

snakes on a plane sex bit

Snakes on a Plane [2006] [R] – 8.9.6 I was poking around in the access log trying to figure out why recycled canvas isn’t talking to its server and found the following entry: – – [23/Aug/2007:05:32:37 -0700] “GET /~void/category/snakes-on-a-plane/ HTTP/1.1” 200 15854 “http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=snakes+on+a+plane+sex+bit&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&safe=active” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/” It […]

Overcoming Procrastination

Powerful Sleep – Health & Energy Blog >> How to Overcome Procrastination with 4 S As a lifelong procrastinator, I have to say Kacpar nailed it down pretty well. I think that where most of us fall short is this: when I make a commitment to myself, I have to treat it as seriously as […]

Red Bird & the Meatheads

Music Download: Red Bird & the Meatheads Got an mp3 in an email from a friend the other day. As you can see above, Windows Media Player made an excellent visualization for the song, which is called Red Bird & the Meatheads. it is about my birds. he would like me to tell you that […]

Mishaps are like knives

I worked late Thursday night because I’ve been having trouble getting there on time. Typically I leave at around 8, and it’s a 45 minute drive home. I’ve been in that place where… well, it’s as if I need to stop and let my mind catch its breath, if that makes sense. Instead, I just […]

Folk Revival

According to an article in May 23, 2007 N.Y. Times, there will be a series of free folk festivals on Governor’s Island in July. Folk singer-songwriter Harry Chapin of “Cat’s Cradle” fame will be reanimated for the occasion. Thanks to Ted for the hard copy.

TFTD: Let Your Hair Down

“Let your hair down if you must, but don’t expect everyone to brush it for you.” — banth

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