Tagged with Finance

Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured

void57 #thisweek Doctors and hospitals shouldn’t get a tax writeoff for bad debt. Stop making the Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured. [Source]

Bungee Jumping

No, not really, but looking at my Fidelity account recently has felt like it, and not in a good way. I should have spent my money on gambling and drugs.

Toxic Capitalism

Interdependence is the key word. Enlightened interdependence. Life in all its rich variety, “take a little, leave a little”… However: by the inexorable logistics of the vampiric process THEY ALWAYS TAKE MORE THAN THEY NEED. — William S. Burroughs “Words of Advice for Young People” From Hallucination Engine by Material. This spoken-word piece by William […]

The American Dream

The American Dream requires that you spend spend spend the future and hope that future earnings pay the debt.

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