Posted in Science

Edelman/Technorati blog survey

This is the first post in the new category Meta, which will be, of course, blog entries about blogging. The purpose of this post is to clarify my own opinions and practices with respect to advertising. Dear Leslie, Thank you for participating in the Edelman/Technorati blog survey. We conducted this study to: Better understand bloggers’ […]

As The Worm Turns

A Worm a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. “We believe that this research will lead us to develop a new ways of preventing and treating asthma and anaphylaxis, which can then be extended to treat inflammatory bowel disease and arthritis,” says Dr Fallon. I’ve heard other reports of intestinal parasites helping keep common immune disorders […]

The End of the Age of Aquarius

I graduated high school in 1975. The world was in constant change from the time I was little. New paradigms all around. Students protesting an unjust war, many minorities fighting for equality. A great human awareness of our place on the planet and in the cosmos. Even the pop music carried the message. O Brave […]

Are Animals Patentable?

34. lae Apr 25 1988, 4:03 pm From: l…@pedsga.UUCP – Find messages by this author Date: 25 Apr 88 20:03:56 GMT Local: Mon, Apr 25 1988 4:03 pm Subject: Re: Are Animals Patentable? in article <1…@qiclab.UUCP> leon…@qiclab.UUCP (Leonard Erickson) writes: [It will be found] that there are some “humans” who don’t fit the definition … […]

Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind

My response to The Molecular Biology of Emotion. Just listened to Dr. Candace Pert’s new audiobook, “Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind.” Dr. Pert is the scientist who discovered the opiate receptors in the brain. She was prominently featured in the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?.” If you haven’t seen it yet, you […]

Today’s meanderings

Well, the news is full of fun stuff today. The press could do so much good if they directed their energy into improving the world. Man faints, dies after seeing epidural. Ok, I can almost see this. The needle is three inches long and marked in stripes to indicate depth of penetration. It looks kind […]

On the question of animal intelligence

I believe that the answer is to treat all animals as humans and to provide vocational rehab for those who have trouble functioning in human society. – me, 25 Apr 88 20:03:56 GMT in Are Animals Patentable?

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