Posted in Neuropsychology

Out Of The Corner Of My Eye

There are an unbelievable number of illnesses causing an exaggerated startle response. MS, PTSD, autism. Apparently lack of awareness of your surroundings is tied into startle response to peripheral vision stimuli. Peripheral Visual Awareness: The Central Issue “Many cases show that with functional (and therefore reversible) deficits, similar problems arise for individuals who have inefficient […]

You Really Can’t Argue With Them

You really *can’t* argue with them. —– Original Message —– From: <A REALLY BRIGHT PROGRESSIVE> To: ‘Leslie’ (not so bright) Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 2:02 AM Subject: An interesting study, and my comments… It’s tricky, talking with these poor brain-damaged souls. If it weren’t so normal, I’d call such mental misreasoning a disease.It’s easy […]

Michael Shermer On Patternicity

Patternicity is Shermer’s name for apophenia, the tendency to find meaning in noise. This is how we see constellations in the stars, faces on Mars, and Kaziklu Bey’s visage grinning evilly from a slice of cinnamon toast. In its negative form, patternicity is behind many forms of self-deception, from superstition to conspiracy theory. This video […]

The Neurology of Trauma

A few weeks ago there was a vehicle in front of me at the coffeeshop window with a phone number and link to The Evolutionary Brain. I called the number and got the guy in the truck, we waved at each other, and he gave me a DVD of the above video, Dr. Robert Scaer […]

You’re Ready to See the Fnords

Apophinea is the ability to find the meaning in seeming chaos. This is how we see constellations in the stars, faces on Mars, and Kaziklu Bey’s visage grinning evilly from a slice of cinnamon toast.

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