Posted in Self-Help

TFTD – Take the Path With Heart

“Never take a path that has no heart in it. You can’t lose if your heart is in your work, but you can’t win if your heart is not in it.” — Carlos Casteneda

Thought for the Day (TFTD)

Who listens to my thoughts?

Journey to Wild Divine

Playing the game was like being in one of those dreams where I’m sure that I can fly, if only I can let go and allow it to happen. The feeling was absolutely delightful. I’m looking forward to setting aside time to start playing the full game.

Extrapolated Salary

I graphed my salary from the Social Security Statement this morning. After diagnosis and meds, my salary increase faltered and I began to have steep drops in salary, usually corresponding to a period of unemployment, every three years. Just for giggles I’ve uploaded a gif of the graph. I let Excel do a logarithmic extrapolation […]

Self-Googling again

I suppose I’ll go in to work today for an hour or so. The ADHD got the better of me of Friday and I burnt out at about 5PM. But before I go in, I think I’ll surf the Internets. Let’s see who is linking to me. The Bipolar Planet has been in existence since […]

Mitochondria Food

Caveat: I’m an electrical engineer. Do not construe this to be medical advice. It is NOT. I have chosen to use allopathic meds as the basis for my treatment, and I will not change my mind – at least not until after menopause! But with my pdoc’s blessing I am allowed not only to take […]

The Thousand Names of the New God

I have chosen to step out of the darkness and into the cold light of day. I am bipolar. Accept me or fade away. I don’t have time for shadows. I wonder about the wisdom of this decision, to embrace the bipolar disorder as part of who I am. Not to fight it, but to […]

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