Posted in Self-Help

TFTD: Self-reflection

Byron Katie Newsletter: June 2008 The following quote is exactly what I have been going on about, the need to have an objective observer, one who pushes the ego out of the way and takes a good long look at who we are. The first step to healing is to know what has to be […]

Overcoming Procrastination

Powerful Sleep – Health & Energy Blog >> How to Overcome Procrastination with 4 S As a lifelong procrastinator, I have to say Kacpar nailed it down pretty well. I think that where most of us fall short is this: when I make a commitment to myself, I have to treat it as seriously as […]

My Take on the Sixties

My take on the sixties: I was born in 1957, 12 years after WWII The Big One ended. The Korean conflict came between the two events. As far as I can tell, I’m being labeled “Baby Boomer” only so that folks my age will fund the real boomers’ greedy retirement plans. Even as we speak, […]

TFTD: Being Average

Thought for the Day: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” — Jim Rohn Quoted by Gary Craig in the EFT Insights Newsletter (July 6, 2007)

Schizophrenia – Industrial Disease?

Early manifestations and first-contact incidence of schizophrenia in different cultures. A preliminary report on the initial evaluation phase of the WHO Collaborative Study on determinants of outcome of severe mental disorders. Psychol Med. 1986 Nov;16(4):909-28. Sartorius N, Jablensky A, Korten A, Ernberg G, Anker M, Cooper JE, Day R. The results provide strong support for […]

People Who…

people who experience mood swings fear voices visions each other on the internet for advocacy and support I don’t know where to start to talk about Sylvia Caras. Award-winning mental health consumer advocate, speaker and author, founder of the Madness group and of People Who, Grandma, and a really together lady. I really look up […]


The StressEraser is a handheld biofeedback unit. Unlike my favorite computer game, Journey to Wild Divine[

TFTD: Let Your Hair Down

“Let your hair down if you must, but don’t expect everyone to brush it for you.” — banth

Remission in Bipolar Disorder

If someone figures out how to “cure” genetics, let me know. You can’t exactly pick up a bottle of Grecian Formula for Brain at the local pharmacy. Remission is another thing altogether. That simply means that you are having an extended symptom-free period. Given that the DSM-IV bipolar criteria only require that the patient have […]

Metaprogramming the Meat Computer

I’ve been trying to find out where my personal evolution stopped – using the transpersonal psychology model for lack of a better plan – so that I can decide what to work on next. Change is pretty destabilizing, I’m afraid, but stagnancy is another form of death. Yeah, probably hanging on too long is an […]

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