Posted in Medicine

Schizophrenia – Industrial Disease?

Early manifestations and first-contact incidence of schizophrenia in different cultures. A preliminary report on the initial evaluation phase of the WHO Collaborative Study on determinants of outcome of severe mental disorders. Psychol Med. 1986 Nov;16(4):909-28. Sartorius N, Jablensky A, Korten A, Ernberg G, Anker M, Cooper JE, Day R. The results provide strong support for […]

Mental Health Care Failing At-Risk Troops

Mental Health Care Failing At-Risk Troops, Related Study Finds Battlefield Ethics Also Suffering – CBS News This story on CBS shows an ongoing problem in Iraq. Overworked, stressed-out soldiers start to fall apart due to long deployments and irrational (if any) strategy. I question labeling someone as mentally ill when it’s due to long-term stress. […]

Taco Belly

Sign on the wall at the cashier’s station in a drive-through Taco Bell. The sign has since been moved, apparently because Taco Bell realized that customers can read. I doubt that it’s because Corporate noticed that there is an epidemic of obesity in the US. ATTENTION CASHIERS When ringing up a Value Meal your reply […]

People Who…

people who experience mood swings fear voices visions each other on the internet for advocacy and support I don’t know where to start to talk about Sylvia Caras. Award-winning mental health consumer advocate, speaker and author, founder of the Madness group and of People Who, Grandma, and a really together lady. I really look up […]

Didgeridoo Cures Sleep Apnea?

Didgeridoo playing as alternative treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: randomised controlled trial — Puhan et al. 332 (7536): 266 — BMJ. No, not a shamanistic ritual. The didgeridoo is an Australian aborigine wind instrument. It is a long tube, traditionally made of wood. The timbre and tone depend upon the size of the instrument, […]


The StressEraser is a handheld biofeedback unit. Unlike my favorite computer game, Journey to Wild Divine[

Hiding Divya

Bipolar Disorder Daily News Blog: New South Asian (India) Film on Bipolar Disorder Hiding Divya is an English-language film about the stigma against the mental ill in New York/North Jersey Philipino-Indian communities. It’s a must-see.

Pathologizing Poverty

The 2002 report of the US Surgeon General says that 1 in 5 adults will be diagnosed as mentally ill. I believe that statistic reflects the unfortunate fact that minor differences in temperament, coping style, cultural affiliation, and even socioeconomic status are being pathologized by out-of-control sickness-manufacturing industry. Does the Surgeon General consider a depressed […]

TFTD: Let Your Hair Down

“Let your hair down if you must, but don’t expect everyone to brush it for you.” — banth


Mr. Lucky: What’s the name of the two lines between your nose and upper lip? The Internet is great. You go online trying to find out the name of the two lines under your nose and a half hour later you’re looking at a picture that will likely require years of therapy to help you […]

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