“The patient is an ignorant person who does not have the knowledge, the intellectual capacity or moral authority to oppose or disagree with the wishes and decisions of the physician…”
“I believe that curiosity, wonder and passion are defining qualities of imaginative minds and great teachers; that restlessness and discontent are vital things; and that intense experience and suffering instruct us in ways that less intense emotions can never do. I believe, in short, that we are equally beholden to heart and mind, and that […]
Protests Over a Rule to Protect Health Providers – NYTimes.com George W. Bush is trying to push a bill through Congress that enables doctors to force their religious beliefs on women. The NYT, phrases it as if they are somehow protecting the doctors’ rights. I don’t think so. If a doctor is a Fundamentalist Extremist, […]
http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/financialsvcs_dem/essabill.pdf The above link is to the full text of the bailout bill, and I suggest that everybody read this bill. It was pushed through with only a couple of days debate by lawyers who have little understanding of the workings of Wall Street or The Fed. And they tacked a lot of pork barrel […]
PSYweb DSM-IV Diagnoses and Codes. PSYweb has a list of the DSM-IV Diagnosis Codes. Notice that there are a lot of psychiatric diagnoses caused by psych meds. This makes it totally clear that your meds can make you sicker, a good argument for doing the minimum meds to make you functional vs. medicating yourself into […]
Learn Your ABC’s With PETA’s Sexy Striptease : Quiz : PETA I got 100 percent on the ABC Striptease Quiz!
Get out one of the books you are reading – the first one that comes to hand is ok. Find chapter 8, the 8th paragraph or section and the 8th sentence or first sentence in the 8th paragraph. If you can’t figure out what I mean, do something that has a bunch of 8s in […]
ABC News: McCain’s Ambien Use: a Security Threat? So much for that 3AM phone call. With his sleeping pills John McCain won’t even hear the phone ring. A worse scenario, however, is that he gets up and starts World War IV while in a drug-induced fugue state. “The key is to use Ambien-like sleeping medications […]
Genius May Be an Abnormality: Educating Students with Asperger’s Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism Center for the Study of Autism – Temple Grandin neurodiversity.com – Temple Grandin’s Hug Machine THINKING IN PICTURES Geek Syndrome
Some days I think every bipolar should be forced to take Abstract Algebra. That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger, eh?
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