Posted in Medicine

Juice Fast Day 2

Day 2. I don’t feel hungry but I’m craving foods. I’m also gritting my teeth and feeling anxious. I’m going to do an extra half hour on the exercise bike later in hopes of tapping glycogen stores. My husband cooked salmon last night and it smelled unbelievably good. He bought me a bottle of V-8 […]

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

Just getting started on this. I don’t have the willpower some folks have, so I’ve been gradually cutting down on food as I get into it. I’ve been juicing for a couple of years but until I saw Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead it didn’t occur to me that a juice fast is doable. I […]

Science is Empiricism

I have been looking into a device called a Perkl-Light Energy Spa. Unfortunately the proprietor has a serious dislike of scientists. I don’t know if I can purchase the device from someone who has such disdain for empiricism. I could deal with it if he at least provided some background on how the device works. […]

Vagus Nerve & the Mind-Body Connection

The vagus nerve is a cranial nerve, a honking big nerve that runs from your skull, down your chest and into your abdomen. The punch-in-the-gut feeling of a jolt of adrenalin/the start of an anxiety attack is carried on the vagus nerve. The usual paradigm for emotions is they start in the brain. Most of […]

Selecting a Juice Extractor

By now you’ve probably heard of the health benefits of eating raw foods. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables are largely destroyed by cooking, thus rendering them only marginally more nutritious than straw. Shipping produce long distances is another factor in vitamin loss. Unless you eat local food with the seasons, there are times when […]

How to Save Money on Meds

If you usually traipse over to your local Rite Aid to get medications, you can easily save money. Number one is to get generics where available. Lamictal 200 mg 60 tablets $389.99 Lamotrigine 200 mg 60 tablets $323.14 :: cheaper Number two is that your drugstore probably sells drugs online for at least 10% lower than at […]

Do Plastics Contribute to Obesity?

Plastics… and other unusual explanations for the obesity epidemic just noticed years of research suggesting that some plastics contain estrogen-like chemicals which can leech out into the contents. Welcome to the REAL world. If estrogen-like compounds really do leech into your soda, not only could it make you fat, it could also cause breast […]

AK-47, The Official Assault Weapon of the Mentally Ill

Gun Sales: Will The “Loophole” Close? In an interview with Leslie Stahl of 60 Minutes on April 12, 2009, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D) firmly equated mental illness with criminal insanity by repeatedly using the phrase “criminals and the mentally ill.” If it wasn’t bad enough that she did irreparable damage to the reputations of hundreds […]


You don’t make sense « Life-changing things that don’t matter Came across this while researching PlumpyNut. The United States are inhabited by about 300 million people with an unemployment rate of about 5 percent. If you’re interested in the rest of the world, look up Kwashiorkor. According to Medline, Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition […]

Mental Health Parity in the Bailout Boondoggle H. R. 1424

Here is the full text, and I suggest that everybody read this bill. It was pushed through with only a couple of days debate by lawyers who have little understanding of the workings of Wall Street or The Fed, and who have huge financial interest in the institutions that will benefit from it. To add insult to injury, they tacked a lot of pork barrel spending onto it to BRIBE Congress to agree to it.

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