Posted in Medicine

Stop Demonizing Pain Treatments

I appreciate that cheap Chinese fentanyl is killing people at a alarming rate. I don’t understand how someone could inject heroin of unknown quality. I also believe that certain long-acting opioid drugs can be downright dangerous. But this doesn’t justify demonizing every single opioid medication. Demonizing an effective treatment before you have all the facts […]

Diagnosing Rabies

Perhaps you remember the Walt Disney classic “Old Yeller” in which a frontier family’s dog contracts “the hydrophobie” from fighting a rabid wolf. Who could forget the tear-jerker scene where, after telling his mama “He was my dog… I’ll do it,” young Travis ends Yeller’s suffering. Although it is a vaccine-preventable disease, rabies still poses […]

Moderate ADHD Likely


Educating Autistics

Asperger’s dropped from revised diagnosis manual | General Headlines | Comcast Asperger’s will be dropped from the next revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the book that standardizes diagnostic criteria for mental illness. Brilliant. By eliminating an autism spectrum, the psychiatrists will be encouraging discrimination against “Aspies” (their word for […]

Death Panels

Your private insurance company decides when you die, not the government.

Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured

void57 #thisweek Doctors and hospitals shouldn’t get a tax writeoff for bad debt. Stop making the Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured. [Source]

Dogs and Vegetables

Caveat: I am NOT an animal expert. I don’t have a dog, I have cats. Dogs have around 15,000 years of selective breeding behind them. Of course they can eat our foods… or most of them! Despite what the premium brands tell you, a dog is not a wolf and it doesn’t require the same […]

Dreaming of Burgers

Day 7, Saturday. First off, the night before I dreamed I was driving down a road with fast-food joints as far as I could see. I woke up with the intention of having a rare tenderloin. I think I am craving B12, taurine or fat. In the past when I’ve quit eating red meat I’m […]


After watching the movie Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead

Juice Fast Day 3

Day 3 is coming to a close. I’m not feeling better than yesterday, but I’m not feeling worse. I am now officially committing to another 2 days on juice alone. I don’t think fruit would be a good idea. If I make it to 5 days, it will be EASY to get to 10. I’m […]

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