Posted in Web

Online list of DSM-IV diagnoses.

PSYweb DSM-IV Diagnoses and Codes. PSYweb has a list of the DSM-IV Diagnosis Codes. Notice that there are a lot of psychiatric diagnoses caused by psych meds. This makes it totally clear that your meds can make you sicker, a good argument for doing the minimum meds to make you functional vs. medicating yourself into […]

Widgetbox Neon Text Generator web widget

Widgetbox Neon Text Generator web widget A flashy thingy for the manics.

More Icons

I think I’ll name my next dog “Hash: b2e189abf85e809a51522cdb0e53083a” I found Don Park’s site (see below, Identicons) while searching for 2D codes such as ShotCode and QRCode. Once I get everything tagged, life is going to be much simpler. :-) Ok, so Don had links to some other fun icon sites, and I’d like to […]

Updated: Homeland Stupidity

Homeland Stupidity Threat Advisory System Homeland stupidity threat: Note: The site moved. This one is too good to let get away.

ThinkGeek :: Dear Timmy

ThinkGeek :: Dear Timmy Win a $50 gift certificate from ThinkGeek. Ask Timmy a question and if he answers, you’re in! Help, Timmy! My smooth-foreheaded mother-in-law is on an extended visit and I’d like to serve her a Klingon delicacy that is so unappetizing to her Terran palate that she leaves in dishonor and *never* […]

The Big Time

Well, I finally made it to the big time. Well, no, what I really mean is that the spambots found “Into The Void” this week and they are hammering my WordPress blog with comment spam. I’ve received 500-some requests in the last 48 hours. Would anyone in their right mind patronize a company that has […]

Internet Connection Speed Test

Eat your heart out, DSL users.

Self-Googling again

I suppose I’ll go in to work today for an hour or so. The ADHD got the better of me of Friday and I burnt out at about 5PM. But before I go in, I think I’ll surf the Internets. Let’s see who is linking to me. The Bipolar Planet has been in existence since […]

What Kind of Soul are You?

What Kind of Soul Are You? You Are a Visionary Soul You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings. You […]

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