Posted in Media

The Big Time

Well, I finally made it to the big time. Well, no, what I really mean is that the spambots found “Into The Void” this week and they are hammering my WordPress blog with comment spam. I’ve received 500-some requests in the last 48 hours. Would anyone in their right mind patronize a company that has […]

If I Only Had a Brain

You’re out of the woods, You’re out of the dark, You’re out of the night. Step into the sun, Step into the light. Keep straight ahead for the most glorious place On the Face of the Earth or the sky. Hold onto your breath, Hold onto your heart, Hold onto your hope. March up to […]

Plato on Virtual Reality

In every way, then, such prisoners would recognize as reality nothing but the shadows of those artificial objects.

Natural Terror

Natural Terror | The Zucchini Patch Update 9/22/2007: Jessica retooled her blog over the summer. Do be sure to check it out. Here’s the new link to the post above. Natural Terror | The Zucchini Patch A quick search for the toothmark photo below turned up a couple of interesting blog entries using the same […]

Et Nox Facta Est

Bipolarhead suggested some light reading for the darkness. My favorite for falling into the void is Victor Hugo’s La Fin de Satan: ET NOX FACTA EST I Depuis quatre mille ans il tombait dans l’abîme Il n’avait pas encor pu saisir une cime, Ni lever une fois son front démesuré. Il s’enfonçait dans l’ombre et […]

Kosmic Konsciousness

I’ve been listening to Ken Wilber’s Kosmic Konsciousness on SoundsTrue the last couple of days, and am trying to sort out levels and lines. This isn’t what he wanted me to get out of it at all. It is my understanding that a spirit can be limited by the vessel it finds itself under some […]

Internet Connection Speed Test

Eat your heart out, DSL users.

Update: Heart of the Beholder

I finally got around to seeing Heart of the Beholder. The movie was very engaging. It follows Mike and Diane Howard from before the birth of their first child. Their hopes for a better life are realized when Mike’s gamble of opening a video store blossoms into a popular video store chain. That’s where the […]

Self-Googling again

I suppose I’ll go in to work today for an hour or so. The ADHD got the better of me of Friday and I burnt out at about 5PM. But before I go in, I think I’ll surf the Internets. Let’s see who is linking to me. The Bipolar Planet has been in existence since […]

Executive Orders

t r u t h o u t – CIA Commander: We Let bin Laden Slip Away Yes, we already knew that. It was certain as early as summer or fall 2002. Let’s think it through: If we got bin Laden, Bush would have had no boogeyman to frighten us with. So the military let […]

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