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“Vocatus atque non vocatus… deus aderit Called or not called , GOD will be present.” — Inscription on Gravestone of Professor Dr. Carl G. Jung, Kusnacht, Switzerland Quoted from Heaven’s Register Have you read any Jung? Jung was a medical doctor whose father was a philospher and pastor. Jung believed that God is not “out […]

An Introduction to Evolution

I have to give a speech on evolution…help? – Yahoo! Answers My nephew would tell you that a shark doesn’t turn into a chair. Darwin and Wallace were the first guys to write about evolution. Darwin got his ideas while traveling around the world and seeing all kinds of animals. The ship was called the […]

What Was the Cold War?

In WWII the Germans ran into Russia killing everyone they found. They destroyed entire villages, an entire way of life. In some parts of Russia one in four people died. Every family was affected. However, the Germans awakened a sleeping giant. And when U.S. General George Patton realized just how big Russia was, he wanted […]

The Malleus Maleficarum

Recently an acquaintance tried to convince me that the Witch Trials were totally due to social forces. Of course there were social forces at work, but in the end the Evils that occurred during that time frame were the final chapter in the Church’s 600-year war on Serpent Knowledge. She had been completely blinded to […]

Manic-Depressive Illness 2nd Ed.

The long awaited Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression, Second Edition, by Frederick K. Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison is finally in stores. Hopefully you have the first edition. It is *the* reference book for bipolar disorder. Over the years many of the hypotheses set forth in the first edition have been proven out. […]

Cosmic Love

“Cosmic Love is absolutely Ruthless and Highly Indifferent: it teaches its lessons whether you like/dislike them or not.” — Dr. John C. Lilly, “The Dyadic Cyclone” quoted on John C. Lilly Homepage

Dark, dark thoughts: parasites

I’ve been thinking about parasites. Not the “earworm” sort of thing where you hear a bit of a song and can’t get it out of your head for the rest of the day. Not even the everyday suck-on-your-intestines nasties. I’m thinking about the kind of parasites that get into your mind and control your thoughts […]

More Icons

I think I’ll name my next dog “Hash: b2e189abf85e809a51522cdb0e53083a” I found Don Park’s site (see below, Identicons) while searching for 2D codes such as ShotCode and QRCode. Once I get everything tagged, life is going to be much simpler. :-) Ok, so Don had links to some other fun icon sites, and I’d like to […]

Bad Alice

Any day that starts with an email from someone named “Bad Alice” simply has to be a great day! Bad Alice is the acoustic duo formed by Suzy Johnston (author of The Naked Bird Watcher – the positive account of developing and learning to manage a serious psychiatric disorder that included depression, psychosis and self-harm) […]

Tagging Meatspace

I’ve been playing with the .mobi stuff and discovered that 2D codes have a use other than to count packs of cigarettes. I can put my web site URL into a QR-Code or a ShotCode, print it on stickers, and stick the stickers to things. Then folks can point their cellphone cameras at the code […]

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