Posted in LOLcat

Everytime you WHAT???

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lol spider

moar funny pictures

Surfs Kitteh

moar funny pictures Hangin’ twenneh!

Biker Kitteh

No tuchs bad boi biker kitteh, kthx. I bought a Harley-Davidson collar for Mr. Breeze. He said he was tired of the wimpy yellow and green collar I gave him when he first came home with us.


moar lolcatz

Mouse's Eye View

In case you’ve ever wondered how your cat looks from a mouse’s viewpoint.


— Photo from the Squid blog, capped by Leslie. update: another lolsquid on the Science Notes blog.

Mr. Breeze

Look what blew into my house. His name is Mr. Breeze, AKA Breezy, AKA Lil Boi. This little boy blew into our backyard, and when attempts to locate his owner were unsuccessful we gave him to a local rescue organization,

Links: Some days you eat the octopus…

Thanks to mememachinego for this creepy video. When keepers at the Seattle Aquarium moved an octopus into a tank with sharks and other large fish, they hoped the octopus would be ok. They should have worried about the sharks. As you can tell, I’ve been reading the feeds this morning and checking out some of […]

Keeping Groundhogs out of the Garden

How to keep the groundhogs out of the garden: Stake a cat to the tomatoes.

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