Posted in Software

Treasure from Used Hard Drives

MIT researchers uncover mountains of private data on discarded computers. The article above points out that it is not enough to format your harddrive before discarding it. A format only removes directory information, it doesn’t actually remove the data. In 2003, some MIT students obtained 158 used hard drives from eBay and other sources. Most […]

Spyware Warrior

Spyware Warrior: Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products & Web Sites Just thought I’d share this site. Very useful after one of your kids poisons your computer with the free spyware nuker that his alleged friend recommended.

Jagged Peak Adventure

YouTube – Line Rider – Jagged Peak Adventure A new game. If I did drugs I might waste a year or two playing this game.

Still Reluctant

Of course, if I *wanted* a dual-boot system, XP probably would have shredded the existing file system.

Missionaries and Cannibals

Created with Wink and Photoshop. Yeah, I guess I’ve avoided Photoshop for long enough. Here’s a rather bizarre version of the game on

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