Posted in Knowledge

TFTD – on "success"

The criterion of “success” has shifted from exclusive attention to behavior to concern for the quality of experience.

Political Rant

<RANT> I am not swayed by vague, impassioned arguments. If I was, I’d be a Republican. The reason the Republicans are stomping us is this: They put huge amounts of money into the infrastructure of the party. Think Tanks, framing the arguments. The Democrats don’t invest, they throw money away. The tone of the latest […]

TFTD – on "possibilities"

Our possibilities of experiencing are infinite and infinitely beyond that splinter of awareness we acknowledge, call “normal,” and disclose to others.

TFTD – "meaning"

To insist that the world has one meaning rather than another is politics.

TFTD – Gimmicks and gadgets

Gimmicks, gadgets and techniques are the genius of America.

TFTD – On "being"

Being can be likened to a projective test.

Plato on Virtual Reality

In every way, then, such prisoners would recognize as reality nothing but the shadows of those artificial objects.

Linguistics and the Experience of Emotions

Tahitians do not have a word directly equivalent to sadness. Instead, they treat sadness as something like a physical illness. This difference has an impact on how the emotion is experienced by Tahitians. For example, the sadness we feel over the departure of a close friend would be experienced by a Tahitian as exhaustion.

Am I predator or prey?

Someone asked me, in response to a previous message, whether I am predator or prey. My reply: Yes, you are *exactly* right. Humans are capable of being either. This means that we can switch from one set of neurotransmitters to the other set in an instant. Deer can’t do that. Lions can’t do that. They […]

Natural Terror

Natural Terror | The Zucchini Patch Update 9/22/2007: Jessica retooled her blog over the summer. Do be sure to check it out. Here’s the new link to the post above. Natural Terror | The Zucchini Patch A quick search for the toothmark photo below turned up a couple of interesting blog entries using the same […]

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