Posted by Void

Cat Personality and Coat Color

There is some question as to whether a cat’s coat color is a good predictor of his personality. Any cat owner will tell you this is true, and the web has several lists of personality types. This quote provides three possible mechanisms for the relationship between cat coat color and personality type. Coloring can affect […]

Science is Empiricism

I have been looking into a device called a Perkl-Light Energy Spa. Unfortunately the proprietor has a serious dislike of scientists. I don’t know if I can purchase the device from someone who has such disdain for empiricism. I could deal with it if he at least provided some background on how the device works. […]

Vagus Nerve & the Mind-Body Connection

The vagus nerve is a cranial nerve, a honking big nerve that runs from your skull, down your chest and into your abdomen. The punch-in-the-gut feeling of a jolt of adrenalin/the start of an anxiety attack is carried on the vagus nerve. The usual paradigm for emotions is they start in the brain. Most of […]

Ambient Umbrella

Interesting concept. The Ambient Devices Ambient Umbrella gets weather data from The Ambient Umbrella waits in the umbrella stand unnoticed until rain is expected, then gives a gentle visual reminder that it will be needed. The concept behind Ambient Devices products is that some digital information should be “glanceable,” that is, the information is […]

Old Movie

My sister was an extra in this movie playing an exotic dancer. Probably the only scene that didn’t involve good guys gone bad pummeling people they didn’t like.

HBO – Temple Grandin

HBO has made a movie about the life of Dr. Temple Grandin, author of "Thinking in Pictures," the autobiography of an autistic woman. Dr. Grandin is an expert in animal husbandry whose specialty is humane treatment of animals in the cattle industry. The movie is a must see. Preorder Temple Grandin from Starring Claire […]

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day spoof card. I got a good laugh out of this!

The God Realized Chair

I attended a reiki share at a church in a nearby town. The fellow who ran it, I’ll call him “Paul,” told a story about a religious leader who visited from India. This leader sat in one of the chairs in the church, and Paul always told the story. To a reiki practitioner, the chair […]

Groundhog Day

Yes, that’s right, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter. Happy Groundhog Day!

On Meddling

“Is it not in the nature of complex social systems to go wrong, all by themselves, without external cause? Look at overpopulation, look at Calhoun’s famous model, those overcrowded colonies of rats and their malignant social pathology, all due to their own skewed behavior. Not at all, is my answer. All you have to do […]

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