Posted by Void

My 1990s Reading List

Found an partial list of books I read in the late ’90s to early ’00s. In some cases I had read earlier books in a set and included them in the same year. In the interest of actually publishing the blog entry, many entries have no Amazon link yet. 4/1997, J. Frøyland, Introduction to Chaos […]

Twitter: As for physics…

void57 As for physics, what does reality look like when one doesn’t know the first thing about math or classical mechanics? Oh, right, God. [Source]

Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured

void57 #thisweek Doctors and hospitals shouldn’t get a tax writeoff for bad debt. Stop making the Taxpayers foot the bill for the uninsured. [Source]

So Many Things A Hand Can Do!

Earlier today a religious fundamentalist told me that I believe in evolution because it was shoved down my throat. Actually, I “discovered” evolution as a child by wandering around the zoo looking at animals’ hands. Later, much later, I came across a field called anthropology which explained what I observed at the zoo: that the hands show […]

Marriage is Unconstitutional

“Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage.” – George W Bush sanc·ti·ty/ˈsaNG(k)titē/ Noun: 1.The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly. sa·cred/ˈsākrid/ Adjective: 1.Connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration: “sacred rites”. 2.Religious rather than secular.   “Congress shall make no law respecting […]

What Breed of Liberal Are You?

My Liberal Identity: You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what’s known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme. Take the quiz at  

Reagan proved deficits don’t matter

Aug 11 1984 Not realizing that his weekly radio address is already on the air, President Ronald Reagan quips into his live microphone: “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” And the world shit its collective pants… We […]

Dogs and Vegetables

Caveat: I am NOT an animal expert. I don’t have a dog, I have cats. Dogs have around 15,000 years of selective breeding behind them. Of course they can eat our foods… or most of them! Despite what the premium brands tell you, a dog is not a wolf and it doesn’t require the same […]

Transitions 2

Managing Stress Avoid Vagueness Not wasting energy on nervous habits. Success The smells of pines, teaberry and blueberries Birds chirping in the morning and not a car for miles No longer a Peon Hungry for those good things, baby I can be anything I want, I’m that good. “You can be anyone this time around.” […]

Dreaming of Burgers

Day 7, Saturday. First off, the night before I dreamed I was driving down a road with fast-food joints as far as I could see. I woke up with the intention of having a rare tenderloin. I think I am craving B12, taurine or fat. In the past when I’ve quit eating red meat I’m […]

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