Perhaps we should refer to our meds as a “pharmaceutical chastity belt.”
Perhaps we should refer to our meds as a “pharmaceutical chastity belt.”
Well, unless I die sometime today, I’m going to e~file my 2007 Federal Return tonight. I use TurboTax because my brokerage recommends it. It’s not so bad, really. TurboTax has a scoreboard at the top of the screen that shows your progress. It’s kind of like a text adventure game where you’re trying to get […]
Sharp Deutschland: 108 Zoll: Sharp präsentiert den größten LCD-TV der Welt Say no More.
National Geographic Self-powered Emergency Radio Every summer, Mr. X does what he calls “The Gathering of the Flashlights.” A leftover habit from our Philadelphia Folk Festival and camping days, The Gathering is Mr. X’s ritual of collecting all the flashlights in the house and replacing batteries and bulbs. Well, National Geographic emailed me an ad […]
Today I learned that the Arabic word for mental illness has the same etymology as the Arabic word for evil spirits. This has an unfortunate effect on how the mentally ill are perceived in the Middle East. Language is an odd thing. It enables you to express your innermost thoughts and feelings. BUT it almost […]
Charlton Heston died yesterday. They’re still trying to pry the gun out of his cold, dead hands.
Does the word “uncompromising” mean “having strong values” or does it mean “selfish, stubborn, and uncooperative?” Mostly I hear the word uncompromising in advertisements for large gas-guzzling SUVs. Stand your ground, you deserve as much gasoline as you can get! Ok, let me parse that word that is so proudly used in advertisements, and worse, […]
Ancient devil frog may have eaten baby dinosaurs | U.S. | Reuters Beelzebufo ampinga was a frog that lived in Madagascar 70 million years ago. At 16 inches long and weighing in at an estimated 10 pounds, this bad boy was so mean he may have fed on newly-hatched dinosaurs. The largest living frog species […]
Create your very own Semacode tag. What is Semafox? Semafox is an easy way to create a smart 2D barcode (aka a semacode) using your web browser. There’s nothing to install or uninstall. Bonus… the QRCode reader from KAYWA can decode it. As always, my search for this item resulted in something totally unexpected, in […]
MYTAGO – do magic with your phone Yes, it’s Yet Another Meatspace Tag. This one requires a free membership to get the tags. Seems like a bit of a privacy hassle. MYTAGO is a little different from QRCode or Shotcode. There’s no phone app. Instead, take a picture of the tag and use one of […]
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