Posted by Void

Misc. Swords

Junk Post. Mr. X wants to see pictures of CSA swords.

TFTD: Objectify Your Mental Processes

In order to recognize our self-image, we can no longer identify with it. In other words, we have to learn how to objectify our own mental processes.-Matthew Flickstein, Journey to the Center Reprinted in Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations, edited by Josh Bartok. Photo Source – FlickrAuthor *Gabisa Motonia


Found this in my error log. Apparently somebody drops nasties in people’s image directories and induce other folks to access the nasty. Fortunately the file doesn’t exist in my image directory. I can’t guess whether it was ever there, or whether the tech guys at the host removed it for me. I see from looking […]

TFTD – Hearse

On the way over to Whole Foods today I saw an odd vehicle, a white Cadillac hearse. I said, “What the f**k kind of hearse is white?” My husband’s answer: “A bridal hearse?” Dark, really dark.

McCain – Sleepwalking Ambien Ad?

ABC News: McCain’s Ambien Use: a Security Threat? So much for that 3AM phone call. With his sleeping pills John McCain won’t even hear the phone ring. A worse scenario, however, is that he gets up and starts World War IV while in a drug-induced fugue state. “The key is to use Ambien-like sleeping medications […]

I Can Haz Marchmellows?

moar funny pictures What an excellent picture! I only capped it.

Are Autistics really UberGeeks?

Genius May Be an Abnormality: Educating Students with Asperger’s Syndrome, or High Functioning Autism Center for the Study of Autism – Temple Grandin – Temple Grandin’s Hug Machine THINKING IN PICTURES Geek Syndrome

Enter the Dragon

Neowin Giveaway >> 31 Days of the Dragon If you haven’t heard about the HP 31 Days of the Dragon, hear about it. They’re giving away a kick-@55 computer every day for 31 days. Neowin wanted to get folks to participate so I generated an mp3 about what I’d do if I had a dragon. […]

East Coast Lawnmower

East Coast Lawnmower Dark T-Shirt > East Coast Lawnmower | CafePress Wow, it’s the perfect t-shirt for Father’s Day. Don’t tell Mr. X I made him one for his birthday instead of buying him that riding mower he thinks he’s getting. I think I’m finally getting the hang of this Adobe Photoshop thing. I am […]

Wireless Bidet

Why does a bidet need to be wireless?

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