Posted by Void

Crocs As Feminist Statement

I recently joined a Facebook group called “I Don’t care How Comfortable Crocs Are, You Look Like A Dumbass” and quickly sent out invitations to like-minded friends. From: Facebook Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:37 AMTo: JxxxxxxSubject: Lxxxxx invited you to join the group “I Dont care How Comfortable Crocs Are, You Look Like A […]

E-mail encrypt

HONcode: E-mail encrypt This little gadget is on the HonCode site. Enter your email address in the top section and it will generate a little javascript snippet to hide it from spiders.

8.8.08 meme

Get out one of the books you are reading – the first one that comes to hand is ok. Find chapter 8, the 8th paragraph or section and the 8th sentence or first sentence in the 8th paragraph. If you can’t figure out what I mean, do something that has a bunch of 8s in […]

Microsoft DreamSpark

Microsoft DreamSpark Dreamspark is Microsoft’s program for getting free development tools into the hands of students, in hopes that when they get out in the business world they’ll ask for the tools they’re familiar with. Or in Microsoft’s own words: It is our hope that the DreamSpark program will spark your creativity and help you […]


“Sin is occasioned precisely by the fact that man refuses to admit his ‘creatureliness’ and to acknowledge himself as merely a member of a total unity of life. He pretends to be more than he is.” Reinhold Niebuhr

BBQ Done Right!

George H. Gobel is an engineering professor at Purdue. Back in 1996 or so, he was attempting to design the perfect method for lighting a barbeque.

TFTD: Self-reflection

Byron Katie Newsletter: June 2008 The following quote is exactly what I have been going on about, the need to have an objective observer, one who pushes the ego out of the way and takes a good long look at who we are. The first step to healing is to know what has to be […]


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

FTC – Annual Credit Report

FTC Consumer Information – Your Rights: Credit Reporting It’s a good idea to check your credit report every year. Please ignore TV commercials telling you about free credit reporting sites. Go to the Federal Trade Commission site and use only the web pages they recommend.

Heaven as Holding Tank

I feel very threatened when I hear someone touting the virtues of a religion that espouses death to non-believers. Further, it is predatory to try to suck in vulnerable people by pretending the the Bible is all sweetness and light. I read the bible a couple of times, too. I know what it says. It […]

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