Posted by Void

AT&T Wireless Speed Test

Much to my surprise the speed test ran and said my phone is faster than DSL.

Duffy – "Mercy"

Yes indeed, morals must be a terrible thing. I wouldn’t know.

Paying Down Our Debt

The total national debt as of this morning, Nov. 17th, 2008 is $10,617,806,584,635.27. The population of the US as of 22:40 GMT (EST+5) Nov 17, 2008 is 305,679,024. THEREFORE each and every US citizen owes $34,735.15. Cough it up, people. Make your check payable to the Bureau of the Public Debt, and in the memo […]

Chip PC Jack Thin Client

I am having serious trouble keeping my debit card in my pocket on this one. I suspect that sometime between now and tomorrow morning I will yield to temptation. The Chip PC Jack is a computer that fits in a standard electrical outlet. WANT! A “Thin-Client” computer is one that runs a pared down operating […]

Leslie for President

If white trash from Alaska can be vice president, then why can’t a geekess be president? Get the word out! Vote for me! Presidential Election Coverage 2008

McCain’s YouTube Nightmare

McCain’s YouTube Nightmare is that the voters – who have very short memories – will notice that he changes his story from interview to interview. Changing your story because you’ve seen your mistake and are correcting it is one thing. Changing your story to boost your self-image or to get votes is another thing altogether […]

Political Haikus

Political Haikus Political haikus seem to be a growing trend this year.

The Poetry of Sarah Palin

The Poetry of Sarah Palin. – By Hart Seely – Slate Magazine “Haiku” These corporations. Today it was AIG, Important call, there. (To S. Hannity, Fox News, Sept. 18, 2008)

Mental Health Rules Put in Bailout The above link is to the full text of the bailout bill, and I suggest that everybody read this bill. It was pushed through with only a couple of days debate by lawyers who have little understanding of the workings of Wall Street or The Fed. And they tacked a lot of pork barrel […]

Why We Like Belgian Chocolate

A bit of history. The story is that in WWII the GIs used to steal the chocolate bars out of all the boxes of K-Rations and use them to buy (rent?) whores. Problem 2 was that fine chocolate doesn’t hold up very well in a tropical climate. Hershey’s set to work on it. The result […]

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