Criminalizing Birth Control

Protests Over a Rule to Protect Health Providers –

George W. Bush is trying to push a bill through Congress that enables doctors to force their religious beliefs on women. The NYT, phrases it as if they are somehow protecting the doctors’ rights. I don’t think so. If a doctor is a Fundamentalist Extremist, he has a duty to post a sign in his office saying “If it isn’t in the bible, I don’t do it.”

Anyway, what the bill really does is:
1) Equates birth control with abortion.
2) Criminalizes birth control.
3) Enables Fundamentalist doctors to withhold health care information from female patients.
4) Makes it illegal for any government-funded health clinic to provide birth control information.
5) Sets human rights in the United States back 100 years.

This is insane.

Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Patty Murray had this to say:

“In the final days of his administration, the president is again putting ideology first and attempting to roll back health care protections for women and families. This HHS rule will threaten patients’ rights, stand in the way of health care professionals, and restrict access to critical health care services for those who need them most. Senator Murray and I are standing up once again to the administration against this rule and will continue to fight for women’s reproductive rights.”

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