Office Pranks

Top Office Pranks.

This is good, a series of pictures of what folks do to co-workers who are away on vacation. My favorite is the sprouts in the keyboard, a nice “welcome home” for the nature-lover in the office.

I’m reminded of what the entire office did to DH before we were dating. Moths in the cedar pencil holder, a phone list with the phone numbers removed, drawers reversed on the desk. The drawers weren’t just moved, the slides were moved so that the file drawer was on the other side. As he explained it, he didn’t get that the drawers were reversed. He perceived it as a vague uneasiness, a sense that something was wrong but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. You feel that way after a four-week vacation, right?

Everything on the cork board was photocopied and the photocopies placed up on the board. His new diploma was reduced to about 1.5×1.5 inches. All the implements in his pencil holder were rubber-banded together so that when he pulled out a pencil the whole bunch sprang out.

What we did to his teaching manual was the most insidious. One of the guys photocopied some pr0n – I have no idea why he had pr0n in the office. I took the manual to the print shop, removed the GBH binding, punched the pr0n and bound it back into the document. Poor fellow was teaching a course from the manual.

Bored technicians and engineers are a dangerous lot.

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