Woodwarbler’s JazzGrass

Woodwarbler’s JazzGrass stream. The music starts about a minute into the stream after the tail end of the previous show.

My friend Brian Aust has a new radio show called Woodwarbler’s JazzGrass at WGDR Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont. I took a quick listen before writing this post and wound up listening for a half hour! What is JazzGrass? you might wonder. It is an eclectic mix of Old Timey Bluegrass that evolves into Jazz later in the show. Brian is a great guy and Bluegrass music is just plain fun. Kind of like speed metal for country boys.

In case the link above doesn’t work, go to the WGDR music archive page and select April 30,2007 at 1935 (7:35PM) Eastern Time. The show is 2 hours long. The show is available for download, too, for download to your mp3 player.

I’ll update this link when I hear that the show has become a permanent institution at WGDR. Drop a dollar or two in the hat while you’re there.

Public radio needs your help. But that is a topic for a huge rant about large corporations owning all the media outlets in town and taking wonderful but less popular music genres off the airwaves in the name of profit. Not to mention pooling all the news outlets into one incestual mass of mediocrity.

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