Fermilab in the Sky

Positive Atheism – search for “Magic To Science” when you get to the site.

I did a little light reading at lunchtime today. I got a real giggle out of this quote.

We see in these perceptions the first appearance of a kind of science — the seeking of causal explanations for the phenomena of the world. In today’s physics classes, the first thing students learn about is motion. However, they are taught that motion at constant velocity does not require the action of a force; a force is needed only for changes in velocity, acceleration.

This observation is expressed by Newton’s second law of motion: F = ma, where F is the force on a body, m is its inertial mass, and a is the resulting acceleration (the rate of change of velocity). In other words, movement does not require a mover, only a change in movement does. And if no mover is seen, then one does not have to invent one that is unseen. The ultimate prime mover, which Aristotle and Aquinas defined as God, is not required by the data. But perhaps we should allow God to be redefined as the prime accelerator Fermilab in the sky.
From Magic To Science by Victor J. Stenger,
quoted on Positive Atheism.
An excerpt from Physics and Psychics: The Search for a World Beyond the Senses.

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