’07: A Meme Game

I’ve been meaning to do this for a few days, but life has been kind of hectic.

Memes are ideas that spread from mind to mind like a virus. Not sound bytes, not quite, but the ideas conveyed by sound bytes. A quantum thought, perhaps.

Would you like to play a meme game to celebrate 2007? Open the last book you read, go to the 7th chapter, and type in the 7th sentence. I’ll go first.

Bipolar II: Enhance Your Highs, Boost Your Creativity, and Escape the Cycles of Recurrent Depression–The Essential Guide to Recognize and Treat the Mood Swings of This Increasingly Common Disorder
by Ronald R. Fieve

“But the hypomania and depression intensified, as they usually do without mood-stabilizing treatment, and Christopher developed a tolerance for the alcohol.”

Wasn’t that fun? Next do it for the books you’re reading now!

Messies Manual, The: A Complete Guide to Bringing Order & Beauty to Your Home by Sandra Felton

“One of the problems with accomplishing a task is that ideas flit quickly in and out of focus in the brain.”


Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change
by Bruce Wexler
This book, unfortunately, has only 5 chapters. So I counted the Introduction as a chapter and the meme is from the Epilogue.

“All but 300 of the 7,000 Pennan people now live in government settlements with comfortable beds and zinc-roofed houses, but with little productive work, little food, and no connection to the activities and surroundings that shaped them as a people and as individuals.”

Food for thought.

5 Responses to ’07: A Meme Game

  1. I borrowed the last two books I read. I have been sampling other books without reading them in entirety. I looked through the “Books” section of my blog, and this is what I came up with:

    God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian, by Kurt Vonnegut

    “As long as there is a soul in prison, I am not free.”

  2. My ex used to do psychic reading by asking questions, closing his eyes and pointing into a sentence in the bible. I think there is a name for this. Funny, we met on 7-7-1977. I like this method.

    I also like to do my tarot at http://www.facade.com. It’s free and it is pretty fun.

    I want to read more interesting books this year, so I think doing this every 3 books I read will be great and lots of fun, and motivating in a strange way. Here we go.

    The Artists Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity,
    by Julia Cameron.
    “The directions are important here”

    What a hoot, I had to go back to the site to figure them out because I forgot.

    Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
    by Esther andf Jerry Hicks
    “In other words, because of what so many have lived and are living, and because of the summoning power of so many of their desires, the Well Being of your future experience is well in place”.

    by Michio Kaku
    “But unlike Sellers, Collins rides to work at the NIH on a Honda Nighthawk 750 motorcycle wearing a black leather jacket.”

    The more interesting sentence in this set is number three;
    “Perhaps the most pivitol and controversial of all the divisions of the NIH is the Human Gename Project(officially the National Center for Human Genome Research), one of the most ambitious projects in medical history, a $3 billion crash program to locate all the genes within the human body by 2005”.


  3. Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America
    by Brigitte Gabriel
    “Jerusalem is a captivating experience of smells, sounds, and sights mixed into culture, diversity, and spiritual sanctity.”

    Rule by Secrecy
    by Jim Marrs
    “He sits down to breakfast at 8 o’clock and leaves the table at 8:30, and in that short half hour his wealth has grown $1,041.50.”

    The Will to Power
    by Friedrich Nietsche
    “Perhaps I know best why man is the only animal that laughs: he alone suffers so excruciatingly that he was compelled to invent laughter.”

    The Brothers Karamazov
    by Fyodor Dostoevsky
    “As if conscious of his subordinate and dependent position, of not being their equal, he did not greet the visitors.”

    What on Earth is God Doing?
    by Renald E. Showers
    “Theological and denominational differences were considered insignificant.”

    The Unemotional Investor
    by Robert Sheard
    “Believe me, sometimes its more helpful when a test completely bombs.”

    The Adapter, from A Record of Insanity, Journal # 19
    by unknown (This does kind of sound like a matrix rip-off now that I think about it).
    “So our devices, instruments and inventions will effect us and allow us to do what they do if we would only break out of our social stratum and be feed of our mind chaining us to what we are taught is reality.”

    by Ezekiel
    “Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abomination.” (Sorry, didn’t expect one of these verses, but it was the seventh sentence of the seventh chapter.)

    The Complete Tales of Edgar Allen Poe
    by the one and only
    “It was at Venice, beneath the covered archway there called the Ponte di Sospiri, that I met, for the third or fourth time the person of whom I speak.”

  4. Living With Uncle – Canadian-US Relations in a Time of Empire, sections by various authors, edited by Bruce Campbell and Ed Finn.

    I’m quoting Tony Clark’s chapter titled Turning On The Tap? Water Exports to the United States. (Anderson was Canada’s Minister of Environment)

    “Anderson’s comment reflected what seems to be a general public consensus that water should not be treated like other natureal resources (for example oil, gas, minerals, timber) as a commodity to be bought and sold on the market”

  5. “Living With Uncle” looks interesting. I’m vaguely aware of some of the water management/water rights issues in the US. Los Angeles gets most of its water from Nevada/Arizona – whatever the lake behind the Hoover Dam is called. Lake Mead? As an engineer, I found the large-scale electrical generators in the dam utterly amazing. The structure is incomprehensibly huge. Your eyes play tricks on you when you look down from the top and try to get perspective on the buildings below.

    Israel gets most of its water from Syria, which seems to me like a recipe for disaster. I believe Syria has some new, controversial water management policies that include diverting water back onto their own farmlands. Israel used to have – and probably still do – desalinization plants, but they had nowhere near enough capacity for the population. You can live without a phone, or even without electricity if need be, but without water you’ll last less than a week. War, when you get right down to, is usually about natural resources.

    “Control your resources, and you control your world.”
    — Gil Scott-Heron, B Movie
    found in The Best of Gil Scott-Heron

    In a way, hydroelectric dams are all about withholding water from the folks who live downstream. The Nile River used to overflow its banks every year, depositing silt on farmlands, thus making them fertile. The Aswan Dam prevents this flooding from happening, and everyone acts as if this is a good thing. The result is that farmers now must buy expensive commercial fertilizers. There is increasing desertification to the West, but I’m not clear whether that is due to human interference or to global warming.

    On behalf of almost 60 million Americans, I’d like to apologize to the Canadians – and everyone else – for the mess we are making of the world.

    Sorry Everybody.

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