Update: Heart of the Beholder


I finally got around to seeing Heart of the BeholderHeart of the Beholder on Amazon.com.
The movie was very engaging. It follows Mike and Diane Howard from before the birth of their first child. Their hopes for a better life are realized when Mike’s gamble of opening a video store blossoms into a popular video store chain.
That’s where the problems begin. A local religious splinter group targets the Howard’s video store chain for offering blasphemous videos such as Tom Hanks’ “Splash“.
When Mike refuses to cave to their demands, their leader blackmails the DA into inventing charges against them. There are death threats against Mike’s little girl, and things get just plain ugly.
Eventually justice prevails, but it’s too late. The weight of the legal expenses crushes the Howard&’s dreams.
I don’t want to spoil it for you, but how the Howards get revenge is hilarious.
The movie won the Bluegrass International Film Festival “Director’s Choice Award” for Best Feature Film. Congratulations!
See previous entry.

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